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Editing 101- Video Editing History and Theory

Students become familiar with video editing theory and review the history of video editing, and the theory behind why editing is so important. Students participate in the Editing lesson featured on In the following class, there is a review about what they learned featuring the following notes to be written in their notebooks:

Sequence: A series of shots (both video & photo) that are put together to tell a story. We use Adobe Premiere as our software to edit video to create our sequences.

Wide Shot- Usually the first shot used in a sequence. It tells our audience and viewers where we are and the location of what we are about to see.

Close Ups- Close up shots provide detail, show emotion, also called a "tighter" shot.

In the Industry, editing is also knows as "cutting"

Video Editing is best described as assembling footage from the ground up in order to create a story.

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